Gone Tomorrow - Art Installation

12 Artist + 1 Empty Road = 1 massive One Day Rangoli. 

'Gone Tomorrow ' was a street art Installation created at National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad in Oct, 2018. 12 artists comprising of Students from Exhibition Design 2017 came together to create a street art on-site over a period of 18 Hours on an internal road at Asia's Premier Design Institute. 

Gone Tomorrow was part of "Typography Course " of the Exhibition Design 2017 of NID Ahmedabad which enabled the students to work on such Public Art Projects in future, under the Guidance of Hanif Kureshi, Co-Founder of St+art India Foundation, which aims to make our streets more interactive through the medium of urban art festivals across India.
The phrase 'Gone Tomorrow' was used to show how Public art installations are degraded & destroyed both by the residents & authorities due to lack of understanding & sensitivity towards abstract art & culture. 

Ironically, even this particular installation's life was just a day long because the street on which the installation was made is used only by a Garbage-collection vehicle which passes daily in the morning.
Few Snaps from the planning to execution.
Watch the full Installation in the video below.
Gone Tomorrow - Art Installation